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Balustrade Design and Installation Services in Brisbane

Meet Innovative Stainless Steel Designs, reliable source of stainless steel balustrades and custom projects. Since 2002, we have provided Brisbane residents the best balustrade installation, with quality design and manufacturing services to match. We work with residential and commercial clients to meet their needs through thoughtful craftsmanship and fantastic service.

Frameless glass balustrades installed besides a pool by innovative stainless steel designs

Fully Licensed Balustrade Installers

Innovative Stainless Steel Designs holds a Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) Licence as issued by the Authority (licence number 1077194). The QBCC advises that a licence is required by the individual or company who will carry out building work valued at over $3,300 (including labour and materials). They recommend consumers use a licensed contractor even for small jobs because the licence indicates that the contractor has met certain standards. We are proud to maintain our licence, insurance and dedication to quality service.

Stylish frameless glass by innovative stainless steel designs

Residential & Commercial Compliance Certificates

All commercial and residential balustrading and pool fencing contractors require QBCC licensing to obtain required compliance certificate forms 15 and 43 16. Innovative Stainless Steel Designs holds this level of certification based on our industry qualifications and expertise. We are fully licensed and certified professionals in the installation of stainless steel and glass pool fences, balustrades and staircases.

Stainless steel's balcony wall by innovative stainless steel designs

Peace of Mind & Quality Service

You deserve amazing quality when it comes to stainless steel wire fencing and balustrades, and we are here to help throughout the entire process. We can provide all the relevant certification and insurance so you know from the start who you are working with and what we can do. We are passionate about designing, building and installing high-quality balustrades and stainless steel systems for your next project.

Choose the Trusted Name in Stainless Steel Balustrades Brisbane

Whether you’re renovating your home or completing a commercial project, Innovative Stainless Steel Designs can provide stainless steel solutions at competitive prices. We specialise in balustrades, staircases, handrails, curved glass and pool fencing, with custom options available in a variety of finishes. Let’s chat about your indoor or outdoor project and how our balustrade experts can help.

Call Today for a Free Quote